It is really quite simple, we have partnered up with a flat roof specialist in Scotland. The company is accredited with the flat roof process and has over 25 years experience.
As we specialise in the marketing side, the flat roof company specialises in finding a suitable solution against any olf flat roof, being dampness, leak or wear and tear. By working together, we are able to reduce the costs of servicing and installing flat roofs in Scotland.
This saving is passed to you. In fact, experience have shown that pictures of flat roofs installation in real homes in most promotional material have a higher conversion rate than studio pictures. In essence, using pictures of your home in catalogues increases sales volume. This benefits us and our partner. We are then able to find new clients at a lower marketing cost.
We therefore need picture of homes with new flat roofs in real homes, and in exchange our specialist flat roof partner will give you a discount for your new flat roof.